The Cowboys Stayjum Open Practice Vidjo!

tom gulley show at att stadium cowboys practice arlington texas
In this video, from the home of Tom's neighbors (The Dallas Cowboys), you will see:

1. Tom samples the horrifying $8.50 Black Angus Burger.
2. Sneak peaks at this year's Dallas Cowboys.
3. The Ring Of Honor.
4. Dallas Cowboys Head Coach Jason Garrett.
5. The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders.
6. The Tom Gulley Show Cheerleaders.
7. The ATT Stadium Parking Lot.
8. Miller Lite Promo Girls.
9. The world's biggest stadium big screen.
10. And so much more.


  1. Sorry, Tom, I had a Jerryburger and I liked it. I was expecting him to charge $20, so $8.50 didn't seem that bad. That's about what most restaurants charge for a half-pounder these days. Just be glad you took a cab so you didn't pay $75 to park.

  2. You are too funny!!!! Loved the video!!!!

  3. Thank you, dear lady. There are a bunch of other ones on my YouTube page.


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