The Ted Krudjusiac Interview

Ted Krudjusiac The Show The Tom Gulley Show WLBC Jack Lalanne James T Kirk
Ted Krudjusiac is not a licensed therapist, a social worker, or anything officially accredited. He just has a way with the ladies.

In the spirit of LOVE WEEK on The Tom Gulley Show, we've gone back into the vaults to 1995 to bring you the calls, the great advice, and the true genius that is either the greatest, or the worst, relationship expert of all time.

Ted will answer questions about blind dates, how to get someone to like how, what to do when your boyfriend never calls you, and how to deal with being rejected. Plus, he's a guy that WORSHIPS Jack Lalanne. But who doesn't?

Just use the convenient player below, or click this link right here and do the "Save As" thing to download the podcast for enjoyment on your iPod or media player of choice.


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