The Saille Branch & Kirby Museum Rant Episode

saille branch the big bender texas singer songwriter Celina
Saille Branch ain't ordinary. And that ain't bad.

He's a full-on, wingtip-wearin', zoot suit sportin', sleeveless t-shirt, psychobilly, Texas red dirt, rockabilly, death metal troubadour in the finest sense. And, in both the song and the spoken word, he's got something to say.

You'll get to hear a slice of "In The Blood" and "29 Days" so you got that goin' for you.

Then, Tom rants about the "museum" that's still holding on to the rare Jack Kirby art loaned by noted illustrator/publisher Greg Theakston. Is The Jack Kirby Museum a museum or a souvenir shop? (Starts just slightly before the hour mark.)

Just listen via the convenient player below, or click this link right here and do the "Save As" thing to download the podcast for enjoyment on your iPod or media player of choice.


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