The Late Christmas Shopping Episode

the tom gulley show late holiday Christmas shopping kurt the corner store valero home depot frys radio shack walgreens grouchy
The perennial holiday favorite is BACK!

Yes, due to popular demand and countless requests from the public, we're revisiting our traditional Christmas favorite episode. You'll thrill to the lessons learned along the way as two men are trapped in a sea of last minute holiday shopping.

It's an episode that reaches deep within us all during this magical time of year and says, "I've had about enough of this holiday crap, ya know? YA KNOW?"

We'll cover topics like learning to curse politely, foreign-speaking cashiers, perky turkey jerky, dancing plushy iPods, Mexican armored cars, Tom has words with a woman blocking the aisle, and plenty more.

Happy holidays from your friends here at The Tom Gulley Show. And remember...Bumbles bounce.

Just listen via the convenient player below, or right click this link and do the "Save As" thing to download the podcast for enjoyment on your iPod or media player of choice.


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