The Jay Johnson Interview

Jay Johnson texas musician royal blue moon images gumboil wedding band the pitcher song love in the wasteland
If you never met Jay Johnson, the best friend you could possibly have is one of his songs.

My friend Jay Johnson, beloved Texas singer/songwriter, passed away this week. And so, because I was lucky enough to spend time with this truly incredible person and his wife Rebecca, we're going to celebrate Jay on this podcast.

On this episode, you'll hear unreleased interviews, rare and unheard live recordings, but more importantly--you'll hear Jay. Laughing, talking, and performing.

Jay Johnson, and his music, have meant the world to me more times than I can count. Get yourself a little tie-dyed love and have yourself some Jay Johnson.

To listen to the podcast, just use the convenient player below, or right click this link and do the "Save As" thing to download the podcast for enjoyment on your iPod or media player of choice.


  1. Tom
    What a wonderful tribute to your friend. So this is what a real West Texas musician sounds like. I am sorry about the loss of this rare talent. Can you provide some links to his music (preferably live) so I can purchase and support the music. Thanks!

  2. Johnny,

    Thanks for the kind words. Still reeling. Here are a couple of links. There are also a lot of YouTube videos appearing, and there are a few new ones I posted on my YouTube page for The Tom Gulley Show. Thanks as ALWAYS for your support!

  3. Hey Tom
    I purchased the Blue Moon Album and enjoying it. He must have been amazing in a live performance. I know it is tough to lose a friend but you are making sure that his talent continues to be recognized -and that's about the highest tribute one can do for a friend.

  4. Johnny,

    Thanks for supporting Jay! The Images album is less produced--but he was definitely known for live performances. Lots of them making their way to YouTube. Some on my page:


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