The Steve Bluestein's Prostate Interview

Could Steve Bluestein's prostate be the funniest prostate in the world?

It's possible. If anyone can take prostate cancer and find all the funny in it, it's Steve.

Tom was lucky enough to talk to the acclaimed comedian and author about his new book, "Take My Prostate...Please!" (now available on Amazon.)

During the conversation, they covered nurses in drag, chic Los Angeles hospital cuisine, and the always side-splitting process of finding out you have prostate cancer, and all the steps necessary to get rid of it.

Get ready to laugh at someone else's prostate, and get educated about prostate cancer, as Tom talks with comedian and author Steve Bluestein.

Just listen to the episode via the convenient player below--or right click this link and do the "Save As" thing to download the podcast for enjoyment on your iPod or media player of choice.


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