12/20/12 TGS LIVE! Chris Dodds Formerly Of Two Tons Of Steel Revisited!

chris dodds leaves two tons of steel
Tonight's podcast features the most viewed episode The Tom Gulley Show offered up this year.

In it, Chris Dodds tells the story of how Two Tons Of Steel suddenly lost two longtime members of the band without fanfare or explanation. Chris tells his side of the story in a passionate, high-road fashion that can't be missed.

Plus, Tom talks about a guy named Chuck Ligon--who appropriated some creative material he didn't create himself, flat out admitted it, and then thought it was funny when Tom wasn't happy about it. A real unoriginal guy who thinks a lot of himself, but little of others. And their work.

Just listen to the convenient player below, or click right here and do the "save as" thing to download the podcast and load it onto your iPod or media player of choice.


  1. Cool, That's me in the pic above. HA.. Pre-a bunch stupid craziness. Ugh...Those WERE some good times.
    Grr & *sigh*

  2. I don't care WHAT The Jackson Five said. Sometimes, one bad apple CAN spoil the whole bunch.


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